How can the Bernalillo County Clerk better serve you?
Looking for ideas for later evaluation and potential deployment
Why am I doing this?
My profession is about helping people. My experience with business information systems is all about implementing better ideas. These new ideas are mostly driven by customers who use the systems. I take their ideas and figure out how to implement them. In the process I make suggestions for improvement as well.
How will these ideas be implemented?
The implementation details are usually not understood up front. We start with general concepts and work out the details as we go. At this point I am looking for any and all ideas. The possibilities are boundless. Consider this a wish list.
Later we will evaluate the ideas for feasibility and prioritize them for implementation. This often entails a benefit/cost analysis to ensure that we are working on the most important and beneficial ideas first. Due to limited resources, some ideas may never be implemented but we will at least consider them and catalogue them for future reference.
Next we will start investigating the implementation details and come up with rough planning estimates. Although plans are rarely followed as written, if you fail to plan you plan to fail. The question is, when will you fail. Too often in information systems development the failure is at the end of the project. This is very wasteful. Ideally, you want to identify issues (potential failures) as early in the project as possible. This allows time to adjust and change plans in the most cost-effective manner.
Ideally the process improvements and automation are implemented in small increments with a focus on usable functionality at the end of each increment. This ties in well with early identification of issues and quick adjustments ultimately leading to a successful project or, in some cases, a project that is terminated before completion if the circumstances dictate. Failure should occur early in order to save time and money if the project is not going to be a success. Also, a project might be successful even if not completed as planned. Success might come early before all planned features are implemented if the features implemented so far are of sufficient value that there is no need to complete the rest.
List of Ideas
I will keep an updated list of ideas posted on my website. Discussions will be captured in my issues management system. I think the best place for these discussions is on social media.
Here are some initial ideas. Please discuss these ideas and suggest new ones here!
Notify property owners when liens have been placed on their property.
Intercept potential title theft. Perhaps this is also a notification process.
Ensure NO DUPLICATE absentee ballots are generated or mailed.